We are losing so many loved ones this year. Beloved heroes like Rep. John Lewis (2/21/40-7/17/20) and his friend and mentor Rev. CT Vivian (7/30/24-7/17/20) and Rev. Joseph Lowery (10/6/21 – 3/27/20), Dean of the Civil Rights Movement.
Here in Oakland, we lost Wonder Woman Denise Adele Gums (10/26/53-7/22/2020). I met Denise when President Aristide was in exile. I think I sat next to her and after chatting at the event with her about Haitian politics, I knew this was a sister I wanted to know. Her work, grounded in Christ or God consciousness, like aforementioned honored ancestors, looked at African Diaspora unity. Denise saw the church as a sanctuary and its role one of liberation theology.
She wore colorful wraps, baubles on her wrists and hoops dangling from ears. Denise’s smile, even masked, was palatable. Oaktown to the core, the eldest of four, she attended Oakland public schools . . . then Bishop O’Dowd High School, class of 1971. She then attended Holy Names College.
A woman who knew how to have fun while working for systemic change, Denise worked as a community organizer and always knew where the pulse was on an issue. Denise was well-loved in the African immigrant community here and abroad and was first call for current events whether that was China’s treatment of African immigrants or Covid-19 in Congo. She got the information and immediately sent it out.
She was first to model African-centered face masks, riding the bus to Berkeley to support an African woman-owned business. A founding member of Bay Area Alliance for Just Immigration (BAJI) in 2006, Denise was a Race Woman, in the spirit of the Hon. Marcus Mosiah Garvey.
Muadi Mukenge, Board member of Priority Africa Network, and presenter at several Bay Area Friends of the Congo events says, “Denise was an ally in the struggle for women’s rights and for peace in the Congo. She attended many events and lent her voice and solidarity to the Congolese community. She is known by people from many African countries for her warmth and sense of justice.”
Pierre and Maria Labossiere, co-founders, Haiti Action Committee, write of that first meeting in 1982, “when Denise was emcee at an event for the late Father Gerard Jean-Juste then visiting from Florida. The community gathering was in support of Haitian refugees who were fighting for the right to political asylum. We became great friends that day and rarely has Denise missed an event or demonstration in support of the people of Haiti.”
Nunu Kidane, founder and director of Priority Africa Network, recalls Denise’s ties to African community, especially the Nigerian

community associations and elected officials. “She was committed and intelligent,” Nunu says in a recent conversation. “I was impressed by the breath of her knowledge and strategic thinking.”
Melvin Phillips, neighbor and classmate, recalls Denise worked closely with the late Father Jay Matthews and Father Edgar Haasl; Rev. Dr. J. Alfred Smith, Pentecostal clergy and the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense, in her role as community liaison for Clergy United of Oakland and the Bay Area Interdenominational Ministry Alliances. This was in the ‘70s and continued to the present. Denise helped in Black Panther Party co-founder, Bobby Seale’s campaign for Oakland Mayor and went to jail often while protesting for housing rights. Pierre said, she’d give her purse to one of them to hold for her until she was released. She made “Good Trouble.”
Gerald Lenoir, now Strategy Analyst, Othering and Belonging Institute at UC Berkeley, recalls Denise fondly. He says, Denise was a big asset. She was a bridge between the church and the community and brought her cultural work to BAJI when he was founding director. A member of the St. Columba Catholic Church in West Oakland at that time—the choir took “good news” to other Catholic churches on Sunday mornings, so in demand were they (smile). Denise shares a bit of that skill in a “We Who Believe in Freedom Cannot Rest” freestyle tribute to Gerald at his retirement party in 2014 (video).
The last time I saw Denise she was standing at Lake Merritt smiling and waving as she documented our twice monthly (1st and 3rd Friday) car caravan. We waved at each other. Later she told me she crossed the street and explained to the curious men exercising near Embarcadero, the protest objectives: BLM, end police violence; Voter Rights; 2020 Census. I looked at my phone the day I learned she died, and saw two texts from July 20 in WhatsApp about Rep. Lewis date stamped 4:15 and 5:09 a.m. (Nunu and I both reflected on those last messages.)
Denise supported immigrant rights and African entrepreneurship. She loved film and volunteered at the Oakland International Film Festival. She worked at the American Red Cross training disaster relief volunteers. More recently she worked as a Special Education teacher; she loved children, especially those children she taught at Oakland Public Schools and worried about the effects of distance education and the digital divide in our community.
She is being interned at Chapel of the Chimes in Oakland. Visit the site for updates on funeral arrangements. You can also visit the website at Our Lady of Lourdes Church where Denise was a member. She is survived by her mom, Mrs. Thelma Gums and two sisters, Deborah and Karen Gums; aunts and an uncle, cousins and of course too many friends to count. She is preceded in death by her father, Mr. Louis Gums and brother Kevan Gums.
The public ceremony and celebration of Denise Gums’s life is Saturday, August 15, 2020, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. PT in Zoom. Check the Chapel of the Chimes for the details for the virtual ceremony. There will also be a private family memorial. If anyone is interested in helping with burial costs, please contact Mr. Osagie A.D. Enabulele, Community Leader, 510-393-6262.
Radio Show Tribute
Wednesday, August 5, 8-10 AM PT we will host a special tribute to Denise Adele Gums on Wanda’s Picks Radio Show. Call into the studio and share a story: 347-237-4610 ext. 1. Visit blogtalkradio.com/wandas-picks
Listen to the Tribute to Denise on Wanda’s Picks Radio Show
Car Caravan for Black Lives and Denise Adele Gums
Join us at August 7, 12-1 p.m. PT at Lake Merritt in Oakland, across from Our Lady of Lourdes Church, for our (1st and 3rd Friday monthly through Nov. 6) car caravan protest. Make sure you have signs on your vehicle. Add a photo of Denise. She can walk with us as we rally our people to register to vote and vote, complete the 2020 census and that we continue to celebrate and honor Black Lives as Denise Adele Gums did until her last breath.

Black August is a time of reflection on African Diaspora revolutionary politics, rebellions, resistance. We remember the lives of fallen comrades, especially those person, like George Jackson and Marilyn Buck and Safiya Bukari (now ancestors), behind enemy lines, bodies once confined but spirits free. We hosted a couple remarkable MAAFA Virtual Townhalls in June and July. The first, June 28, honored the legendary activist and artist, Beah Richards, whose centennial birthday was July 12 (1920-2020). We showed LisaGay Hamilton’s film, “Beah: A Black Woman Speaks,” which takes its title from her poem by the same title. The director joined us afterward for a discussion in Zoom. The second townhall, July 26, just a week ago, Melanie DeMore hosted a Gullah Stick-pounding workshop. If anyone is interested in joining us August 23, send a message through wandaspicks.com We post response narratives afterward in maafasanfranciscobayarea.blogspot.com/
August 1 is also Emancipation Day celebrated in the Trinidad and Tobago, Panama, Barbados in the Caribbean and in the London, UK, Miami, Florida.
100 years ago, Marcus Garvey’s UNIA-ACL hosted the Convention of Negro Peoples in New York, August 1-31 in 1920. It was the largest gathering of Pan Africans ever. At this convention the Pan African flag was unveiled, Garvey was nominated the provisional president of a United States of Africa.
Watch: https://ibw21.org/events/080120-marcus-mosiah-garvey-virtual-forum/
All Of Us Or None
We are so excited to welcome home Patricia Wright whose sentence was commuted and she was released July 21, just after her birthday, July 17. Snatched from her family 24 years ago, son Alfey Ramdhan, just 11 or 12 at the time, recalls how hard it was growing up without the person he trusted the most. Photos show Patricia surrounded by siblings, children, grandchildren and friends. Everyone has on masks and some hold “Welcome Home” signs and flowers. She is the first woman released on a list of incarcerated women with health conditions that make them especially vulnerable to Covid-19. Alfey said he and siblings took his mom to the beach and watched her enjoy the fresh air and spray on her face. The family went to get dinner and had ice cream for dessert. Patricia went shopping for new clothes; however, she had to sit in the parking lot to get her bearings, so much had changed since she was last home. When asked how he and the rest of his family stayed so devoted to Patricia Wright and fighting for her release all these years, Alfey said everyone knew she was innocent, that she had nothing to do with the crime. And Patricia, her faith in her creator never wavered. We hope to catch up with Patricia soon to talk to her about freedom and her short and long term plans.

31st Annual N’COBRA Virtual Conference
The National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America (NCOBRA) is the premiere mass-based coalition of organizations and individuals organized for the sole purpose of obtaining reparations for African descendants in the United States.
The N’COBRA conference this year, July 30-August 1, is virtual and focuses on the youth and how the old guard can support an agenda that embraces the new without discarding its foundation or what came before. There are two short days (3 hours) and Sat. all day program that focuses on epigenetics and African American survival. Youth 20 and younger are free and there are scholarships for youth 21 up whose admission is $15. Grown folk are $30 for admission. Visit https://www.ncobraonline.org/national-coalition-of-blacks-for-reparations-in-america-31st-annual-virtual-national-convention/
Wanda’s Picks Radio, July 29, 2020: http://tobtr.com/11783480
Listen to an interview on Wanda’s Picks Radio Show with Nana Jomoke at the N’COBRA conference and to Delfeayo Marsalis speak about a new non-profit – Keep NOLA Music Alive – designed to help keep New Orleans music culture thriving during these uncertain times.
Party on Sunday, August 2, 2020 with Delfaeyo Marsalis
Delfeayo kicks off the KNOLA fundraising effort with a “Double-Nickel Birthday Bash” virtual performance Sunday, August 2, 3 p.m. PT/5 p.m. CDT/6 p.m. EDT marking his 55th birthday.
Oakland Public Schools Fundraiser Rebroadcast
Elevate Oakland, a music program for Oakland Public Schools hosted a virtual concert in July featuring Sheila E, Ledisi, Goapele and concluding with Stevie Wonder—it was beyond amazing. Angela Davis spoke about the power of art and imagination and creativity to sustainable change. Well, for those who missed the show, it is having an encore broadcast, Friday, August 1, 5 p.m. PT in YouTube. Visit:
Film Openings
Ocean Film Festival
17th Annual International Ocean Film Festival Goes Virtual with Reconnecting Summer 2020 Featuring all 54 Films, plus online panels, discussions and audience Q&A July 30 – August 9 www.intloceanfilmfest.org
River City Drumbeat (95 mins), directed by Marlon Johnson and Anne Flatté opens August 7-21 at Roxie Virtual Cinema
Drum Corps Director, Albert Shumate

River City Drumbeat directors, Marlon Johnson and Anne Flatté
River City Drumbeat captures Edward “Nardie” White’s thirty year run as leader of the dynamic Louisville, Kentucky River City Drum Corps and chronicles his passing of the baton to former student Albert Shumake. It is a beautiful story of a legacy using art to build character. River City shows how community is what matters in a child’s life. The drum is the heart, it is a mother’s love, the first voice, the most important voice a child hears or perhaps feels. White’s program builds men and women as it provides space for parents to grow into their roles. The music is awesome, we dance as we cheer and cry and marvel at these young leaders groomed and step into responsibility with ease and joy. Art is what will save us. It keeps us human. Listen to Albert Shumate talk about how River City Drum Corps saved his life, literally.
Radio Show Special on River City Drumbeat:
The directors, Marlon Johnson and Anne Flatté join Albert, on Wanda’s Picks, July 13: http://tobtr.com/11773949
Tickets Available at bit.ly/rcdatroxie View the trailer here: https://www.rivercitydrumbeatmovie.com/

Robert Nesta MARLEY @75
This is the 75th Anniversary of Bob Marley’s birth, February 6, 1945. His family has been celebrating all year. Friday, July 31, “Marley,” (145 min.), directed by Kevin Macdonald opens virtually and in select drive-ins around the country. Locally, the film screens at Smith Rafael Center and Cameo Cinema in the San Francisco Bay, Tower in Sacramento. Visit https://www.bluefoxentertainment.com/films/marley Watch & Share the Trailer
The film is a nuanced story of a man who spent a lifetime searching for sanctuary. Born of a white man and a Black girl-child, he never quite fit in except when he was playing music. He knew his white family and the factory they owned, although his white family did not know their Black brother. When they are introduced to his work, his sister says Bob’s work lifted the family name. Bob and his friends worked hard for their success—one person says that they were so hungry when they were boys, they would have to fill up on water and go to bed. This is one of the reasons why his mother left the country for the city.
There are archival scenes of older bands playing instruments they probably made, guitars, banjos. Bob and his friends made their instruments too. There is a great conversation with the record producers who noticed Bob’s writing style – it had depth. His topics weren’t shallow. Religion also gave Bob a sense of place—Rastafari aligned with his beliefs – there is a great scene where Emperor Haile Selassie visits Jamaica and when the door opens and he sees so many people awaiting his arrival he goes back into the cabin and closes the door.
I guess it is unnerving to be greeted as a god.
Intelligent, shy with trust issues Marley found within his creative voice a stage where he had a place. MacDonald’s Marley features interviews with Marley’s musician friends, children, lovers and producers, archival footage of Trenchtown ghetto where Marley lived, the studio that gave him and another friend shelter when his mom left for the US.
Outside of reading a book about Marley, this film is an audio tour of a remarkable life, albeit short.
He grew up with gangsters, but he wasn’t a gangster. He was poor, yet ended up with wealth which he shared. He was disciplined and old fashioned, even patriarchal regarding gender roles and expectations.
Marley is both genius and flawed, especially with his relationships with women. His relationship with his wife Rita Marley is complex, perhaps as complex as the politics of the music business. The search for a unique sound as the group performs covers of boy bands and become famous in Jamaica. I love the Lee Scratch Perry studio sessions and Peter Tosh with the Wailers and an interview regarding why he left the band.
Marley suffers exile for his art. His philosophy is simple– he wants people to live as brothers and sisters, regardless of their race.
The music is amazing and watching the Wailers in the small joints with the audience right next to the performers. Given the Covid-19 reality, this film and that time seem lifetimes ago. At the peak of his career Marley is diagnosed with cancer and the man doesn’t miss a beat, literally, to the point everyone forgets he had the diagnosis.
Marley wonders why his audiences are white, why don’t Black people attend his concerts until he performs at Madison Square Garden, the opening for the Commodores. The narrator said respect brought the audience to its feet when Marley took the stage. Also in 1980, earlier, Marley played in Zimbabwe. The country was changing power and wanted the Rasta man to attend but they couldn’t afford his fee. Marley shipped his sound equipment there and the concert was pretty amazing. Marley had already written a song which became a work the soldiers sang. When the men and women could not get into the concert, they pushed down the wall and the police sprayed tear gas on everyone, which meant the artists felt the burning in their eyes and throats and left the stage, while Bob, kept singing.
He was down for the people. We get to see Marley when he performs his last concert and later when he is in Switzerland getting treatment for the cancer which has metastasized. The funeral is beautiful as are the reflections as Marley is not getting well. It is a great story– Bob Marley lived so much life in 36 years.
With each ticket purchase, recipients will receive an exclusive Ziggy Marley song download pack. Additionally, all ticket purchases will be entered to win a grand prize package, including a yet to be released Bob Marley photo book, Marley vinyl and select other Marley merchandise.
Online Art Exhibition
Recovery ACT: Art, Culture, Technology @ Joyce Gordon Gallery, 406 14th Street, Oakland, CA, and online: July 10 through August 29 http://www.rootsartistregistry.com/recoveryact.html
Gallery Featured Artists are: Alexandra Antoine, Alex Bershaw, Ellen Bepp, Rohan DeCosta, Patrick Dougher, David Graves, Kay Hickman, Al Johnson, Oding Muata, Eric Murphy, Najee Omar, Martin Segobia, Malik Seneferu, Amir Abdul-Shakur, Katie Sugarman, Lordy Rodriguez, William Rhodes, and Leisel Whitlock
Artist Talk: Friday, August 7th 6pm – 9pm (In gallery and via ZOOM)
Poetry Reading: Saturday, August 8th 2-4pm | Hosted by TeaRoots.org featuring Genny Lim (SF Jazz Poet Laureate), Wanda Sabir (Journalist), Michael Warr (Former Deputy Director, MoAD) and more.
Additional programs to be announced. To Register for events, visit: https://recoveryactexhibit.eventbrite.com
More Webinars, Online ZOOM Meetings. . .
Paths to Empowerment: A Conversation about Cooperative Governance in Arts Organizations, Thursday, August 27, 2020, 7 p.m., Online (Zoom meeting)
Cost is free. Eventbrite RSVP required: www.eventbrite.com/e/paths-to-empowerment-a-convesation-about-cooperative-governance-tickets-114463810338
Facebook event: www.facebook.com/events/1617729515085813/
The Berkeley NAACP; the African American Holistic Resource Center (AAHRC), Community Leadership Committee; NAMI Contra Costa County; and the African American Steering Committee for Health and Wellness invite you to attend this webinar:
REGISTRATION LINK: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_3zS4JliWRHSJHJ7W5AXBSQ
Presenters:” Richmond Police Department, Chief Bisa French; BART Police Department, Sergeant Anisa McNack; Alameda County Sheriff’s Department, Sergeant Tya Modeste

Rep. John Lewis, Good Trouble
Nancy Pelosi, House Speaker, called him the moral conscious of Congress, Rep. John Robert Lewis from the little town of Troy, Alabama. Friday, July 17 was a seismic event—two major leaders, Rev. CT Vivian (95) and Rep. John Robert Lewis (80), made their transitions. The day before he passed with instructions to publish his letter in the NYT the day of his funeral, here is one final message ____ https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/30/opinion/john-lewis-civil-rights-america.html
As the carriage carried Rep. Lewis’s still body across the EP Bridge, a place where he led the 1965 march which came to be known as Bloody Sunday, I wondered, why at a time when monuments to civic criminals are being removed that EP Bridge still carries the name of an avowed racist? Why hasn’t this honorific been removed? A few days later, in Washington at the Rotunda, this sentiment was articulated.

Every time EP’s name is evoked it honors its namesake. Such juxtaposition is a hypocrisy no more stark than this image– human rights greatest defender, John Lewis’s presence in a casket crossing in horse drawn carriage this place one last time.
Red rose petals on the ground recall all the blood that Sunday morning, a lot of it running down the face of a young John Lewis. Alabama residents should rename the bridge John Robert Lewis Bridge for a man whose life was a bridge for justice and freedom for his people.
For those young people 18 this year, too young to have known Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., this young son of former enslaved ancestors was King’s emissary. Rep. Lewis continued his hero’s walk to freedom traversing bridges like this first one philosophically and later materially all the days of his life as a Freedom Rider, SNCC President and later on as Atlanta City Council person and finally as Congressional leader for 7 terms (30 years). It was as if Dr. King never died, the oath he pledged at 18 just as prescient then as now at 80. He was an active member of this democratic society. He was a visible opponent to injustice. He used his pen to enact laws, his voice to say no to unethical policies and his body to interrupt or halt what he felt was detrimental to American people.
Register to vote and vote. Nothing is guaranteed except times passage and our eventual demise. We can take nothing for granted; there is no such thing as retirement—the devil is always busy.
The Black National Conference, August 28, 2020
White Nights, Black Paradise

PERFORMANCE & DISCUSSION | White Nights, Black Paradise, The Play
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