James Baldwin Centennial
We speak to Norman Gee, Artistic Director, Oakland Public Conservatory & Baba Dinizulu Gene Tennie on Wanda’s Picks Radio

July 2024 Parable of the Sower Series begins on Wanda’s Picks Radio

We start a new radio series, featuring Octavia Butler’s Parable of the Sower (1993), which is set in 2024. The first entry in the protagonist, Lauren Oya Olamina’s journal is July 20, 2024. Tune in weekly, subscribe so you don’t miss an episode. We speak in the first show, which aired July 31, about “Recovery,” that is healing from dysfunction, trauma and how to discard behaviors that at one time kept us safe or alive, but now are no longer helpful?

Episode 2 features devorah major
Our next Wanda’s Picks episode, Wed., August 7, 2024, features devorah major, San Francisco poet activist, scholar, teacher

Calling Black Motherline… Legacy Transporter on Wanda’s Picks Radio Show March 2024-March 2025
We feature: Wanda Sabir, Kathryn Waddell Takara, Stephanie JT Russell, Sandra “Makeda” Hooper Mayfield, Zoe Franklin…
Continuing the Wombfulness Gatherings Project launched March 2022, this March 2024-2025 looks at Black women Motherline stories. What themes these stories share are resilience, resistance and overcoming… healing and restoration. These women are artists, activists, educators and healers. These women stand up and speak out.