San Francisco International Arts Festival October 20-24, 2021
Listen to an interview on Wanda’s Picks Radio Show
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Black Sustainability Summit

Listen to an interview on Wanda’s Picks Rebroadcast 10/13/21, 6:30 pm. with the founder Sister Afia Raina Turner-Greenlea, talk about the 5th Annual Virtual Black Sustainability Summit, 10/23-25, 2020. It is a teaser for this year’s Summit which will also be excellent. I attended last year and really enjoyed it. Discount link, $20 for the entire conference. It’s an amazing deal!

Listen to Margo Hall, L. Peter Callender and Traci Tolmaire on Wanda’s Picks Radio Show, Thursday, Oct. 14, 2021@9:00 AM PT

Exterminate All the Brutes, from acclaimed filmmaker Raoul Peck (I Am Not Your Negro, HBO’s Sometimes in April), is a four-part hybrid docuseries that provides a visually arresting journey through time, into the darkest hours of humanity. Through his personal voyage, Peck deconstructs the making and masking of history, digging deep into the exploitative and genocidal aspects of European colonialism — from America to Africa and its impact on society today.
Based on works by three authors and scholars — Sven Lindqvist’s Exterminate All the Brutes, Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz’s An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States, and Michel-Rolph Trouillot’s Silencing the Past — Exterminate All the Brutes revisits and reframes the profound meaning of the Native American genocide and American slavery and their fundamental implications for our present.
The series disrupts formal and artistic film conventions by weaving together rich documentary footage and archival material, as well as animation and interpretive scripted scenes that offer a counter-narrative to white Eurocentric history. Through a sweeping story in which history, contemporary life and fiction are wholly intertwined, the series challenges the audience to re-think the very notion of how history is being written.
Exterminate All the Brutes is produced by Velvet Film. Written and directed by Raoul Peck. Executive produced by Raoul Peck and Rémi Grellety. Here is a link to film and panel: https://etbhbo.splashthat.com/
The director also curated educational materials: https://www.hbo.com/exterminate-all-the-brutes

Saturday October 02, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Vigil/Ritual at the Folsom Light Rail Station, Leidesdorff Plaza
Organizer: Khubaka, Michael Harris, Blackagriculture [at] yahoo.com, 626-905-2270

Amazing isn’t it? 2021 is concluding, second year of a pandemic. We count our blessings and then recount them as we look for guidance and think about chickens without heads and how headless fowl are unreliable.
Gratitude is the theme I choose. So many great lives ascending, ascended like so may stars. The people really could fly, you know, and those Black people who didn’t fly got into boats and rowed into the hereafter. They are our waterfalls . . . breezes, strong winds that knock down trees to get our attention. Sometimes they come like floodwaters.
Scientists state most of us use only a fraction of our reasoning capacity. In fact we are sleepwalking. The Hon. Elijah Muhammad used to say that we were the dead walking, blind, deaf and dumb to the knowlege of self. There is no excuse for intentional ignorance.
I started setting my (body) clock so I don’t miss anything (smile). No really, if we tune ourselves to the frequency that vibrates in our souls, collective soul and individual souls then we don’t have to worry.
It’s all one great energy, one great vibration or energy that breaths for all life. We need to use intention to tune our souls so we can charge our human battery to capacity.
Worry never accomplishes much anyway. Worry, fear, shame. . . regret, we can let all these feelings and ideas go. Change is the awesome hope. Change and love. Revenge is a waste of time. Hate is also a waste of time. I am trying to stop spending my time on ideas and concepts that do not serve me– ideas and concepts best let go. Time is too short and as my brother says, I have more years behind me than ahead of me.
Yes, I have faced death a couple times, once 39 years ago and more recently four months ago. Certain kinds of news shake up one’s life and when one lives– the games stop and all that is left is gratitude for each day one wakes, each sunset one sees, the ability to walk without pain– to be able to tie one’s shoe, get out of bed, sit up, pick up a grandson, drive a car. . . .
Count your blessings before they dissolve ’cause we can’t take any of this with us or that’s what they say. Do any of us want to test this hypothesis?

Wanda’s Picks Radio Show, Sept. 29, 2021
1. BJ, Black Panther Party Alumni Museum, joins us to talk about the 55th Anniversary October 22-24, program in Oakland, CA. The big day is Oct. 23.
2. Baba Jalil Muntaquim, Prison Abolition Activist, joins us to talk about JERICHO and the International Tribunal Oct. 22-25 (hybrid).
3. Update on Hurricane Ida with Nana Sula Spirit and Baba Malik Rahim.
4. Electric Lady: The Ladies in the Ladies in the Life of Jimi Hendricks is Oct. 1 (5 PM PT/8 PM ET) virtually. Jerome Preston Bates, Rome Neal, Rosa Lee Brooks and Genia Lear Morgan, join us to talk about the production. Electric Lady (An Infinity of Jimi) is a BLACK REPERTORY GROUP (Berkeley) 59th. MAINSTAGE SEASON production.

Thursday, October 7, 2021 | 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm ETDigital Event

Nobel laureate Wole Soyinka joins PEN Out Loud and LIVE from NYPL to celebrate his first novel in nearly 50 years, Chronicles From the Land of the Happiest People on Earth. Set in an imaginary Nigeria, the novel is a “fictional meditation on how power and greed can corrupt the soul of a nation.” Soyinka will be joined in conversation with writer, scholar, and inaugural Chair of the African American and African Diaspora Studies Department at Columbia University Farah Jasmine Griffin to discuss the book’s interrogation of political and social corruption.
This digital event will start at 7:30pm ET / 4:30pm PT. This is a free event.
Presented in partnership with The New York Public Library’s LIVE from NYPL.